Saturday, January 15, 2011

Papaw White's Shed

     At my Aunt's suggestion, we stopped out at my Grandparents' old house to shoot pictures of the old buildings and such. Turns out there was quite a bit of stuff there to look at and as I was under-dressed for the cold, we cut the visit short. I did come away with a few good shots, and an appetite for more. This image is from inside one of the buildings where Papaw White kept his tools. He loved Mules and used them to plow even after he didn't need to anymore. I think after another visit or two, I could come up with a pretty good collection if images from the place. I'll add it to the list of ideas.


  1. Very cool...I need to do some photos like this around my grandpa's place in the spring. Just wish I could get back home more often than we do. Keep 'em coming...I enjoy watching your collection grow!

    Marc Renee

  2. Jay - I would love a collection of photos from the farm. It would make a great gift for my Mom too, so let me know if you get some you're happy with and want to sell!
